In case you’re looking for a powerful stepper driver, take a look into this PDF:
It’s an overview of driver chips from ST.
I’ve chosen the L6208Q for my new RepRap-Electronics design.
It’s the strongest possible SMD part which still does PWM and stepping logic on it’s own.
Alternative for L297
If you wanna go SMD and you are looking for an alternative which is not as damn expensive as the L297 in SMD case, I’ll spare you the rest of the 20 awake nights.
It’s the A4989.
Under the following link you can buy one for around 4$ which is half of the price for an L297 in SMD:
Chainloading U-Boot
As some of you maybe have learned, the last few weeks I was busy with my examina.
Beyond this, I sometimes relaxed my brain a little bit by tinkering around on my ASUS transformer prime.
As you certainly know, the ASUS transformer prime uses a TEGRA3 with the fuses burned into using an AES 128-Bit crypto engine, which forces one to use only bootloaders encrypted by ASUS.
My solution would have been to chainload U-Boot instead of a linux kernel and then using this U-Boot in order to allow multi boot and easier debugging and DeviceTree-Support and so on.
Unfortunately, this turns out to be quite unpracticable as the following mail dialog has destroyed my dreams of an easy solution:
And here the final destroying FAQ which bombs us back to square one:
Maybe I should send the TF201 to China, ask them to unsolder the TEGRA3 and replace it by another non-fused TEGRA3…
Some black market guys will certainly be that kind and will do this… >.>
Cryptography take two
Once again I’m shouting about encrypted boot loaders.
I’ve just found this.
If ASUS indeed intend to just encrypt their new boot loader again and lock it up again
I’m actually thinking about starting a boycott campaign until they stop selling encrypted pieces of hardware crap…
Can someone please shoot these suits always forcing the engineers back to these dirty solutions?
“ASUS does not guarantee service satisfaction”
Common! I’m not satisfied anyway as long as I don’t have my own, home brew Linux running on it >_>
headache: 5th core within the TEGRA3
I’ve just found that the TEGRA3 (Kal-El) possesses a 5th low performance core, called Ninja-Core.
But it doesn’t pop in htop…
Somehow my paranoia says that’s uncool…
I’ll have to investigate how this core is handled by the Linux-Kernel…
In order to lift confusion :-)
TEGRA2 | Unusable crap |
TEGRA3 | Awesome stuff |
OMAPx | Awesome stuff |
GNU/Linux on TF201
Hi folks
Everything works now
- WiFi
- All inputs
- 3D
- well… everything…
Next: Compiling Gentoo with KDE4 🙂
Gentoo on the TF201 (Transformer Prime)
Maybe you think:
“Uh, ah! A tablet. ARM. Compiling Gentoo directly on this device?!
That takes ages!”
Nah. Goes like butter 🙂
4 cores, 2GHz, piece of cake.
That’s progress.
I’ve got the same CPU power in this little sweet net book as I have in my big tower build host in the cellar… >.>
And now you can also walk around naked in front of the TF201’s webcam, because now it’s running a GNU/Linux 😉
Transformer Prime
Debian SID ARMHF with the unstable hardfp drivers from the nVidia-page (works well!) on an ASUS Transformer Prime.
It’s TWM with XTerm you’re seeing here right now.
Next issue: Getting USB working, getting the Synaptics driver working, compiling Gentoo for this device (maybe directly on it? I mean… 4 cores… each 2GHz 😀 )
Olé ChromeOS :-)
Oh, I love it.
ChromeOS is Gentoo based, and as such it’s a GNU/Linux and as such in turn
it needs standard GNU/Linux kernel interfaces and as such I can use it
in combination with a full fletched Gentoo.
And because it’s a child of Google it gets support by the big bloat ware companies.
So ChromeOS forces the producers of hardware to provide usable driver code.