2nd school – matriculation

Dear military, dear ZKB sorry for panicing.
It was neither of you who had my certificate it was my ex-girlfiend which had filed it years ago into a totally insane place where I never would have looked for it.
Namely between my business informatics documents…
Anyway, gladly I’ve got another female in the house, namely my mom, who did find it on one single look…

Well… The day I begin to understand human females will be the day when either my head explodes or if not I’ll take a shower in gasoline and lighten a cig…. >_<

One thought on “2nd school – matriculation”

  1. What matters the most though is polkit-qt library in kdesupport that lets us use the PolicyKit library through a nice Qt-styled API. Console applications or libraries can also link to polkit-qt-core that doesnt add a dependency to QtGui.As a developer you probably need to read the that is a fundamental compound of this tutorial.

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